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Executive Function Coaching

What is Executive Function?
So glad you asked! Put your hand on your forehead: your EF skill center lives right underneath your hand.

Executive Function, or EF, refers to a series of skills that we all use every day. Things like time management, getting started on tasks, staying focused, working memory, completing all parts or steps of a project, and even emotional control when we confront an obstacle – these are all EF skills, and they are managed by the pre-frontal system of the brain. For a longer list of the skills, check out this definition by Drs. Peg Dawson and Richard Guare 

All of us are strong in some skills and weaker in others. It's an important part of EF coaching not only to recognise where you need support, but also where you're already strong. Along with guidance from your EF coach, we can use these stronger areas to help out the weaker areas and get you closer to where you want to be.

Is Executive Function Coaching right for me?

If you struggle with any of the following, it is likely EF coaching will be helpful:


  • Procrastination

  • Daily hygiene, medication, and meal management

  • Time blindness

  • Avoidance

  • Cramming

  • Switching gears

  • Changing your approach when one way isn't working

  • Planning & organization


If you are currently working with a therapist or psychiatrist, it may be worth asking if they would recommend EF coaching for you. Most importantly, if you are interested in making changes and want some support to make it happen, EF coaching may be a great fit.

How does EF Coaching work?

In a complimentary 15-minute introduction call, you and Kelsey will briefly discuss your goals. If it's a good match, you'll schedule a first session. 

Next, in your first meeting, Kelsey will work with you to establish a few key areas to focus on and brainstorm tools that best support your desired changes. After that, you'll meet on a roughly weekly basis (adjustable based on individual availability). In your sessions, you might learn how to:


  • Structure your day more effectively

  • Optimize digital tools to keep track of all that's on your plate

  • Prioritize a top 3 or 5 tasks to focus on for the day

  • Break down a larger project into smaller steps to complete over time

  • Strengthen your working memory

  • Habit stacking, or gradually building a habit with the help of environmental support

  • Reflect on the rhythm of your day or week, and adjust to your realistic capacity and energy levels

  • Solidify a morning or evening routine​


These are just a few examples of what you might focus on in sessions, but the possibilities are endless and entirely distinct for each person.

Who is Executive Function Coaching for?

All kinds of people get a lot out of EF support! Kelsey has worked with a wide range of clients, from kids to adults and everyone in between. Some of the most common profiles of those who benefit from EF coaching include:

  • People with neurodivergence (ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, ASD)

  • High school & college students, particularly transfer students

  • Entrepreneurs & business owners

  • New parents

  • Medical and Law school students

  • Freelance artists


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to schedule your complimentary initial consult!

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